miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021

What do you think about Copyright?

    Recently I have read a proposal of changes about copyright in our society (Chapter 2: "Constructive Proposal For Copyright Reform" in the review: "The Case for Copyright Reformby Rick Falkvinge and Christian Engström) and I found it really interesting in they proposal to reform the way Copyright is being performed.

    I agree so much with the idea that copyright is preventing creativity to grow and I think this is one of the worst things that can happen to humanity in terms of progress, we can see that this has happened too in history specifically in the Middle Ages where the progress of science was punished even with death and innovations were seen as a complete heresy.

And in terms of economy and money there is a sentence they said "No business model is worth more than the right to private communication and freedom of information" and well it is interesting to relate copyright with one of the greatest human rights, does it constrains freedom? 

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