"Any sufficiently advanced technology is equivalent to magic." Arthur C. Clarke.
Technology is what we mean for new things that seemed like magical about 20 years ago and so the technology people had around those years where stuff like a Game Boy (Released by Nintendo in 1989), DVD in order to replace the old vhs and add more fiability and efficiency, Windows 95,98 (Released by Microsoft) which established the base of the next softwares incoming, the World Wide Web or Internet as we all know it, this all are examples of which type of technologies we had and it is so interesting to think on how much things has changed. Our way of relating between us has changed a lot, by now the social medias as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, apps that has changed a lot our way of facing life and relationships/behaviour.
But I would like to focus a little on how the profile of an IT professional has developed in my country(Spain) and what it implies today. As I have previously told in the paragraph above there has been a lot of new technologies that has affected our way of finding jobs our teaching and learning technics, so what about the IT professional, has there been also any difference in their preparation/learning?
As the development in industry were starting to grow sharply, there was a need to start developing new learning skills for the professional and this happened in the universities. They focused to teach engineers the basics of this new techs, such as basic programming such as Java. It was needed for the new apps that will appear later and so they needed also help from companies. Let's say that the universities gave the base and the companies gave the rest. It was a race of who had the best professionals that could help the company to release any product that could revolute the industry and society, so for that the training that needed to have a professional was really big but also limited. There wasn't a lot of information as now due to the Internet, but as it started growing up the information sharing also grew up helping to develop more and more IT professionals.
Nowadays, as an IT student willing to become an IT professional I can say that they are teaching me the most basics as 20 years ago but also the creativity incorporated. And for me I see it as almost the same process but of course not with the obsolete technologies, with the new ones. Even with the pandemic the education as changed and I can say that I feel more of a worker prepared to face whatever happens next. I feel motivated and willing to find a job where I can even develop more myself in the technical skills.
One last thing I spotted out, is that now it is more easy for new IT professionals to create their own business so this helps a lot to find new technologies due to the creativity young workers are having thanks to their learning during their studies. It is easier to become a startup and focus on research of new ways of relating between us such as Tinder or even WhatsApp.
Let's see what happens in the next 20 years!